Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Irish Weekend Adventure, Day 1

The misty Ireland coast, a stones' throw from our hostel
Playing on the beach, trying to capture the moment, but anticipating it by a fraction of a second
Got it this time!
A walk at sunset. The next night, we built a fire on the beach at sunset at roasted Starburst candy (which I had never done before) and made smores of mini crystallized marshmallows (the best we could find in Ireland) and carmel digestives (chocolate dipped cookies not unlike graham crackers). Some young men, whose accents were so thick we could barely understand them, offered us beer and cigarettes, which we kindly declined and for which they thought us slightly infirm. However, when we offered them toasted Starburst candy, they decided we were positively insane, or so it seemed by their expressions and soon departure from our tranquil fireside evening on the beach. Posted by Picasa


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